Teachers feedback:
Superb choice of music and clips-the opening is so effective it's almost parallel but genuinely made me laugh out loud showing it meets the brief perfectly.
Perhaps the switch to parallel could of been a little bit more obvious-Perhaps the darkness and the positioning of the actor meant it took a couple of seconds to catch up.
Minor technical element-only export a minute! check your timeline before exporting.
Class feedback:
WWW: Song choice was good parallel and contrapuntal clips sit
WWW: Amazing,Brilliant both scenes from parallel and contrapuntal matched sound very well.
EBI: Shift between contrapuntal and parallel was too sudden and fast
WWW: Good editing and clips choice
EBI: if it wasn't 3 minutes
WWW: Brilliant transition
EBI: could use more clips
WWW: good music choice
EBI: have better clips
WWW: Amazing clips
EBI: clips are running smoothly
WWW: good song choice
EBI: should run smoothly
WWW: Enjoyed it
EBI: loud could put the sound down
WWW: good music
EBI: have only a minute
WWW: good clips
EBI: one clip was too dark
WWW: the editing and clips were place well and engaged the audience to be more into the video itself the music was a nice touch and the clips and the music fit well as Contrapuntal and parallel
4) Learner response: compare your own video against your evaluation of the top three videos in the class. Whose did you think was best and why? How could you have improved your own video?
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