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Statement of intent feedback

  GOHILL, Rishi   Mark: 3   Grade: D   Comments for AQA:   The statement of intent clearly offers a video concept that has some thought behind it – locations, shots, mise-en-scene. However, it lacks the ‘how’ or ‘why’ for media language and representation required for the higher levels. It arguably targets the specified audience but needs further justification in terms of the ‘mainstream’ element of audience outlined in brief. Media language elements are considered in places – there is clearly a plan for the music video element. Plan to have visuals matching lyrics is clear but focus on narrative does not go beyond this. Representation is addressed briefly in this statement in terms of reflecting the artist’s upbringing and subverting stereotypes but not really saying ‘how’ or ‘why’ this will be done. Audience is mentioned briefly but without really demonstrating knowledge of media terminology or theory. Lack of focus on brief too. Digital convergence and indust...

coursework LR

WWW:   I like the opening shot – dark, gritty. However, is this mainstream? It needs to meet the brief – do lyrics fit mainstream? Do you need a radio edit version? The walking handheld shot is good, nice performance element. However, there are not enough shots – quite a few are on screen for quite a long time. Need more editing in a music video. Will there be a narrative element as well as this performance?  Also need branding/graphic identity and footwear sponsorship element.

Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  Good clear intro making original + created artist clear. Maybe need to think about everyone listens to rap - need to be a bit more specific! But agree it is mainstream. Really liked the planned locations other aspects of mise en scene also addressed wall Good planning for editing/effects/genre Delivery is strong and confident- most slides not ready text but delivering to audience Shoe sponsor works well Magazine research makes sense  Excellent research into director/inspirations Camera shots- too vague need specific examples in statement of intent. Interesting idea for representation but need to develop this significantly for statement in particular how will you do this. Audience and industry perhaps a little lacking but still a strong presentation  Q + A  Q on magazine example was answered  Second question on mag also addressed Narrative question addres...

Summer Project: coursework planning

  1) Research: music videosaa You need to write a  150-word close-textual analysis  of  SIX  music videos that will inform your production work. The music videos you analyse are up to you but focus on a different aspect of media language for each one (see guidance below).   Music videos Music Video 1: Narrative How is narrative used in the music video and what impact does this have on the audience? Can you apply any narrative theories to the story in the music video? The music video starts off in a post apocalypse setting which is a spin off of the game mad max it also has references from the movie the warriors "Can you dig it" The narrative is 2pac and Dr.Dre freeing theses prisoners from this camp.  The song's music video is renowned for parodying the Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome film from 1985. Shakur's old friend Jada Pinkett Smith came up with the concept for the photo session. Her original plan was t...

Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

1) State the  song  you have chosen for your preliminary exercise. One flow by Nemzz  2) Choose at least  three  music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make  bullet-point notes  on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene. The editing and style of this music video gives me an idea of what's going on inside the artist head I want to portray this in my music video and allow the audience to gain a meaning just from the editing.    The editing on this is what I want to implement in my music video using the comic effect. The performance and editing is what I want to use in my video this is a good example as the editing matches the performance and beat and has the audience attention.  3)  Write a short  music video treatment  for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can  find an example of a treatment here . If you are mak...